Your menstrual cycle is your superpower
What if you were taught that your menstrual cycle is your superpower, not your curse to bear as a woman?
What if you were taught that your first period was a rite of passage, an initiation into life as a powerful + cyclical being, rather than the end of your innocence and life as you knew it?
What if you were taught that you can have an easy 3 day period that’s light, pain free, and doesn’t disrupt your life whatsoever?
What if you were taught that every single person who is living or has ever lived on this Earth is here because a woman, just like you, had a menstrual cycle?
That is power.
And, it’s also the TRUTH.
Our menstruating bodies are a superpower, not a curse.
Our menstrual cycles feel like a curse because we’ve never been taught how to live in alignment with them, only to grind against them. Our menstrual cycles need us to live cyclically and release the daily routines. When we do this our cycles can thrive and we can move beyond painful periods, heavy bleeds, pms, and irregular cycles. Modern periods feel like a curse because we’ve never been taught how to truly nourish them.
Our fertility feels like a mystery - whether we’re trying not to get pregnant OR trying to get pregnant - because we’ve never been taught how our menstrual cycles actually work. We’ve never been taught that daily cervical fluid and temperature tracking provide us with a built in birth control method. We’ve never been taught that we can only conceive on MAX 6 days per cycle or that we need cervical fluid to make that happen. When we know how our cycles actually work we can harness them as the superpower that they are.
When it comes to being pregnant, birthing a human into the world, and navigating the choppy postpartum waters I have never been more convinced that we are super heroes. Our bodies can do what should be impossible.
Every single human that is currently living or has ever lived, every person you have ever met, is here because someone had a menstrual cycle - because a menstruating human made them. That is incredible.
By now you’re probably asking yourself, “Why wasn’t I taught to view my menstrual cycle in this way?!”
You were not taught this,
We all were not taught this,
Because it would challenge everything society has been built upon.
That men are more powerful than women.
That menstrual cycles are dirty and disgusting.
That menstrual cycles must be kept hidden.
That being able to grow & birth another human into this world is somehow not the biggest act of strength and power that exists in this world.
That periods are painful, heavy, disruptive nightmares that we should all suppress with hormonal birth control to the incredible profit of the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
The menstrual cycle is sacred. It is our direct connection to the natural world. It is a deep ancestral feminine lineage. She deserves to be praised, respected, celebrated, and perhaps even a bit feared. She holds the power of all human life within her rhythms. She is the most powerful thing that exists in the world - and we, as the embodiment of her, are therefore the most powerful beings that exist in the world.
This view of the menstrual cycle is not one that we are taught to embrace because it would shake the foundation of society as we know it. How could women continue to be treated as the “weaker sex” and inferior to men if we woke up to these realities? They couldn’t. The patriarchy would crumble. The way we live and think and act would fall apart. That’s scary for some people, and so the menstrual cycle realities have been suppressed and rejected - even by the very beings who hold her power (I’m looking at us, ladies.)
To be taught that our menstrual cycles are our superpower would change life as we know it.
And, that’s exactly what I intend to do here at Sauvage Wellness.
When you know how to create easier periods naturally, you are free to finally embrace your menstrual cycle for the blessing that it is.
When you’re able to break free from the hormonal suppression of birth control pills, rings, IUDs, & shots you’re able to finally experience life as a cycling human with intuitive natural rhythms.
When you know how to support your natural fertility and get pregnant when you’re ready you can break free from doctors and drugs and finally be the one in control of your destiny.
When you know how to live in alignment with the shifting phases and needs of your cycle you are finally able to live in alignment with your body without all the resistance, fatigue, and frustration.
When you unlock your cycle wisdom, you change life as you know it.
This is why I do what I do. This is why I am so damn passionate about teaching women the truth about how their bodies work. This is why I love teaching cycle tracking, natural birth control, and the secrets to better menstrual cycles.
We deserve to rewrite the script.
Menstrual cycles are f*cking incredible. Our bodies are unbelievable works of art whose capacities should leave you speechless.
Our bodies are powerful beyond measure, intuitive beyond reason, and worthy of praise beyond the bullsh*t hellscape that the menstruating body is currently experiencing in this country.
And so, I ask you...
Are you ready to be a part of this change?