A normal period is 3 to 5 days long, not 7 days

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love to brag about my 3-4 day periods. And, every time I publicly talk about my 3-4 day periods I DMs with comments like...

"WHAT?! That doesn't seem right at all."

"I didn't even know periods could be that short!"

And, my favorite, a snarky..."That must be nice."

To which I can confidently say...

Yes, a 3-4 day period is right. It is perfectly normal. As a menstrual cycle and fertility awareness educator I would argue that it is MORE normal than a 7 day period.

Yes, periods can be that short. Dare I say, they SHOULD be that short.

And, yes, it is really really nice... and you can have a nice, short period too my snarky, heavy bleeding friends.

Here's the deal...

The widely taught notion that periods should take up a full week of our lives is a myth. The "fact" that normal periods are a full week long is a lie. Similar to how we've been taught to normalize the imbalances that cause pms, menstrual cramps, bloating, acne, & other period symptoms, we've also been taught to normalize the imbalances that can cause long period bleeds.

Conventional medicine often describes long periods as period bleeds lasting longer than 7 days. From a holistic standpoint, I would argue that a long period is a bleed lasting longer than 5 days. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or health care provider. I am, however, someone who knows A LOT about the menstrual cycle, what it takes to have an easy cycle, & currently have periods so easy it would make you hate me - more on that below.)

A longer period bleed is often a sign of inflammation, too much estrogen, inefficiencies at flushing out estrogen, low progesterone, a sluggish thyroid, or some combination of all of the above. These are the same imbalances that can cause cramps, pms, heavier periods, bloating, mood swings, food cravings, fatigue, pre-period spotting, and other period problems. Notice I didn't say period symptoms? That's because these things are not symptoms of having a period. They are signs of cycle imbalance. They are signs that the cycle needs support. (Don't believe me? Read what Dr. Jolene Brighten has to say here.)

If you have a 7 day period you probably find yourself feeling stuck with these other uncomfortable period problems too. Perhaps, never realizing that they are in fact problems that can be solved. But, it's true, they can.

A well supported menstrual cycle is short, easy, & generally free of symptoms. By learning how to nourish and support my own menstrual cycle I have gone from having a VERY heavy 7 day bleed with pms mood swings, acne, food cravings, intense fatigue, and cramps so bad I would cry on the couch TO a light 3-4 day bleed with ZERO symptoms aside from the occasional fatigue. And, it's not just me, my clients report experiencing the same shifts in their cycles too!

​And so, I'll leave you with this to ponder...

What if periods were never meant to be uncomfortable or inconvenient disruptions to our lives? What if they were supposed to be easy? What if they GET to be easy?

I believe that easy, comfortable periods are our birthright as menstruating humans. The way things are supposed to be.

Are you ready to reclaim your birthright - to have a short, easy, comfortable period experience? If so, let's chat! Book a free consult call with me today!

How to cycle track the right way for birth control, pregnancy, & better periods - FREE CLASS SERIES!

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    Your periods will always suck if you do this


    Cycle tracking apps are like weather apps… unreliable.